TICOS, Volunteers, Teen Intern Program


TICOS is a funny name for an awesome student group.  It stands for Teens Inspiring Change, Optimism & Service.  TICOS is a Junior Optimist Club that funtions as a Teen Advisory Club.  It is open to any area student in 6-12th grade and usually meets the first Thursday of the month.  At a meeting you get to know other teens from the area, give input about teen summer reading prizes, or events, and get some secret, behind the scenes intel on ways you can help out.  TICOS members earn silver cord volunteer hours as they participate in the Optimist's Avenue of Flags on federal holidays, and other service projects.  


Your library offers a wide variety of volunteer opportunities that can help you gain valuable work experience, earn silver cord hours, make use of your skills and knowledge and meet new friends while giving back to your community. The time commitment for most volunteer roles is flexible. Volunteers must be over 14 years of age and pass a background check. The first step to becoming a volunteer is filling out the application. A staff member will review the application and be in touch with you to discuss what role is right for you. Thank you!                                                                                                         Volunter Application


Teens ages 16-18 can apply for a seasonal internship position at the Burlington Public Library. Teen Interns at the library earn a stipend of money from the Burlinton Public Library Foundation as well as valuable job experience.